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Engineer & Nurse Pair | Are They Made For Each Other

Are Engineer and Nurse the Perfect Pair?

Engineer and Nurse at Dating

There are lots of humors regarding an Engineer and a Nurse are a perfect pair. Thousands of memes and quotes of Engineers and Nurses affairs are found on the internet and social media. It is also called that a Nurse is attracted or interested towards an Engineer and vice versa. But, what is the fact behind stating Engineers and Nurse makes a perfect couple! Here are some mysterious reasons behind the secret of their affairs:

  • Profession: Both Engineering and Nursing are social service oriented works. Both earn equal social respects. Professions that could match Nursing are either Engineering or Medical (Doctor and Pharmacy).
  • Behaviors: Believe me, both are highly flirty, love chatting and are interested in affairs and dating. Beside this, both love traveling, hiking, especially food lovers.
  • Earning: Surprisingly both Engineers and Nurses have almost average salaries. Which maintains respect toward their works. 
  • Caring: Care is the religion of the Nurse. Life of Engineers is full of rush, tough & bold. Obviously, Nurse could fulfill the gap between work & life.
  • Education: Except syllabus, both share equal years of study which requires almost equal concentration and labor.
  • Population: Could you believe 90% of Nurses are female and 90% of Engineers are male. No such sex proportion exists in any other professions. 

Engineer and Nurse Dating

Spell a word Engineers as fast as you can, once again. Did you notice you pronounced Nurse (neers). It's not mandatory for a Nurse to date an engineer but I have seen some happy E-N couples. Although I do have no experience dating a Nurse, but guess they make the perfect couple/pair. If you are an Engineer and dating a Nurse or vice versa, please drop your couple pictures link at comment so that we could share your story to the world. 

What do you think, do an Engineer and a Nurse a perfect pair? 

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